欢迎来到NHCC的课程和注册页面! 请 review the 课程注册步骤 below in order to 注册课程.
请务必记住重要的注册截止日期, 学费, 和类, 下面还有哪些.
- 去 eservices 并输入你的帐号及密码.
- 选择“课程与注册”,然后选择“搜索课程”.
- 选择“科目”及/或“课程编号”,然后选择“搜寻”.
- 当你找到一门课程, select "+" and 'ok' to add the course to your 'Wish List' and then select “Continue to Review My Plan.”
- Check the white box to the left of the course title and then “Select Course(s) to Proceed to Register”.
- 输入密码,然后选择“注册”.
- 回顾黄色框中的信息.
If you are on a class waitlist and a seat becomes available, you are notified by email. 这个座位保留24小时,所以你可以注册. 您不会自动注册该课程. Check your email at least once every day while you are on a waitlist so you do not miss your opportunity to register.
- 先决条件 or other requirements must be met prior to adding yourself to the waitlist.
NHCC工作人员无法控制候补名单,也无法添加您, 我们也不能改变候补名单的顺序.
- 当尝试注册已满的课程时, you can add your name to the waitlist by selecting the waitlist icon.
- 课程将出现在弹出框中.
- 选择提交.
- 提交信息后, 你会被告知你在等候名单上的位置, 电子邮件更新将发送到这里.
下降: A course drop is allowed through the fifth business day of the term or through the first business day after the first scheduled class meeting, 以较晚的为准. A dropped course does not appear on your transcript and does not impact your academic standing. Tuition and fee charges are reversed/refunded for a course that is dropped.
撤销: A course withdrawal is allowed after the add/drop period has ended and through approximately 80% of the term/course. A withdrawal is recorded on your transcript as a W and does impact academic standing.
总收回: Tuition and fee refunds are issued only for a total withdrawal within the refund period (see schedule below). 休学是指休学本学期的所有课程. 部分提现不予退款.
Last date to withdraw from a course is specific to each individual course. 查看eServices中的课程描述以了解详细信息.
- Withdrawing can affect academic standing and 金融援助 eligibility. If you have questions on how withdrawing from class will affect your standing, 请联系你的学术顾问.
- 去 eServices 并输入你的帐号及密码.
- 选择“课程与报名”,选择“查看/修改课程表”.”
- Press the "x" button next to the course you want to drop or withdraw from.
- Verify that you want to drop or withdraw by entering your password, then select “Drop/Withdraw.
- 请参阅NHCC日历的总提取退款日期.
我们的课程因授课方式而异. 你可以找到 课程交付选项在这里.
本页提供了有关如何…的所有必要细节 将学分转到NHCC.
- 去 国家学生信息中心网站 然后输入十大网赌平台开始
- 登录esservices 使用您的StarID和密码
- 从左边的菜单中,选择“成绩和成绩单”.
- 从左边菜单中, select 'Academic Record' and choose the sorting method for your Unofficial Transcript.
访问我们的 激活/管理你的StarID 查找你需要的所有信息.
- 签署 eServices 使用您的id和密码.
- 从左侧菜单中选择“帐户管理”.”
- 从左边菜单中, select “Address Info” to view and edit your phone number or address.
- 从左边菜单中, select “Demographic Info” to view or edit your email address
Note: students who are employees must contact the HR office to make any changes.
名称更新- COVID-19大流行期间的变化:
- 新冠肺炎学生政策
- 将您的州ID和名称更改文件的副本通过电子邮件发送到 记录及注册 办公室.
- 传真 a copy of your State ID and name change documentation to the 记录及注册 办公室 to 763-493-0563.
- 如果你想换专业或项目,只需填写一份 主要更新表格 开始吧.
请 查看隐私信息
根据明尼苏达州法律, all students are required to provide updated immunization records to this 记录及注册 办公室. 请填妥免疫接种记录表格,网址为 形式 和/或联系记录 & 带问题注册.
Students may register for 1 course without providing updated immunization information. 超过1门课程门槛, students will be required to provide their updated immunization records. 可以请求一次临时延迟. The temporary delay is only good through the 45th calendar day of the term.
Students DO NOT need to have a doctor’s signature in order to submit the form, 仅仅一个月, 年份及签名.
1. 1997年或之后毕业于明尼苏达州的高中
2. 医疗豁免-需要医生签名
3. Conscientious Exemption- requires a notary Immunizations will be available through NHCC Health Services for those who need/want them.
Find more information about Minnesota state law around immunization requirements in college 在这里. 我们在这里帮助你的每一步. 如果您有问题或疑虑, please contact the office of 记录及注册 at (763) 424-0719
重要注册日期 & 最后期限
访问 传输信息 了解你的课程是如何转入和转出NHCC的.
You can also find out how your courses transfer in and out of NHCC through Transferology, a free online tool for students and advisor to determine course equivalences.
你要为你的注册负责, including the financial and academic consequences that result from your schedule.
NHCC reserves the right to drop you from courses for which you have not met the prerequisite requirements or have not tested into based on the results from your 位置测试.
你只能注册一堂课的一个部分. Students who register for multiple sections of the same course may be subject to discipline and will have their duplicate enrollments cancelled.
Classes added through late registration (after the Pell Grant enrollment deadline) are not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant.
Degree/Certificate seeking students are able to register for a maximum of 20 credits per semester (Fall/Spring). 夏天 semester credits for Degree/Certificate seeking student is limited to 12 credits. Students may request to register for additional credits by completing an appeal form, 哪些必须得到学术顾问的批准.
pso和特殊类别(如访问学生), Non-Degree seeking) are able to register for a maximum of 16 credits per semester (Fall/Spring). pso学生不能申请额外的学分.
记录 & 登记
位置 & 联系
教育服务中心- 70室