Who said you have to leave North Hennepin to earn a four-year degree? 通过我们的大学中心, you can continue your education through a number of partnerships we have with universities through 明尼苏达州.
如果你已经感兴趣了, 请求更多信息 我们会和你联系的.
从这里开始. 在这里完成.
This is the most affordable path to a Biology BS/BA in the metro area, and will allow you to pursue professional positions or graduate study in a number of fields, 包括:生物医学科学, 野生动物, 生态, 或者自然资源管理. Also well-suited if you’re planning to apply to medical, dental, pharmacy, or veterinary schools.
希望进入商业世界? This program will help you pursue a number of avenues, 包括金融, 企业管理, 非营利组织, 政府, 和更多的. Some courses in this program will be offered on site 在NHCC, with the majority of courses being offered online.
在任何领域, 企业如何聚集, 组织, and use their data is becoming more 和更多的 vital to their operations. This program will give you a wide base of knowledge in algorithms, 数据结构, programming languages and statistical methods.
Created to give those pursuing a career in education a hands-on, 现实世界的经验, the SCSU co-teaching model flips the traditional student teaching model on its head by partnering with school districts committed to working one-on-one with teacher candidates from St. 云州.
The health and wellness field is offering more 和更多的 professional opportunities. From corporate wellness specialists to strength and conditioning coaches to personal trainers, you can pursue any of these occupations 和更多的 upon graduating from this program.
As medical science advances, so does medical laboratory technology. That’s why this program provides such great long-term opportunity for growth. Gain knowledge and hands-on expertise that includes phlebotomy, 临床化学, 免疫学, 还有更多.
A bachelor's degree in nursing is designed for anyone who wants to pursue positions such as school nurses, 公共卫生护士, 护理个案经理, 护理管理人员, 病人教育工作者, 家庭保健护士.
Through coursework and real-life teaching experiences, you will learn how to make an impact and teach students who have a range of learning, 情感, 身体残疾. This degree will also prepare you to tackle additional coursework at the graduate level that’s required for additional licenses in the field.
大学访问 & 事件
See which schools will be visiting us 在NHCC soon, and sign up for an upcoming workshop.
If you are a new student, you should schedule an appointment with an 招生代表 在NHCC. They will discuss enrollment steps and degree options with you. 在NHCC开始你的课程之后, visit with your NHCC advisor about on-campus partnership programs. 还记得, NHCC's university partners also have office hours in the 大学中心 located in the Center for Business and Technology (CBT) building across from the Café.
安排一个与顾问的约会 在NHCC. They will assess and discuss your transfer credits and help decide when the right time to transfer will be. They will also be able to connect you with an admissions representative or advisor at a partner university, located in the 大学中心 in the Center for Business and Technology building across from the Café.
If you've already completed an associate degree 在NHCC or another community college, you will want to connect with the university you plan to enroll at. You can speak with an admissions representative in the 大学中心, located in the Center for Business and Technology building across from the Café.
Students should discuss application and enrollment steps with their university. You can find an admissions representative in the 大学中心, located in the Center for Business and Technology building across from the Café.
If students are registered for an NHCC course, they will pay NHCC tuition. If students are registered for a university course, they will pay the university's tuition.
You will want to discuss financial aid options with your home institution. Your home institution is the school that you are seeking your degree from.
If a student is enrolled in one of the university partnership programs, they should be eligible for the university's scholarships. Speak with an admissions representative in the 大学中心, located in the Center for Business and Technology building across from the Café.
Once you are enrolled in one of the university partnership programs, you will begin using the email associated with that university.
The 大学中心 staff are available to meet with you by phone, Zoom (video call), or email. 让我们知道我们能帮上什么忙!
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